Georges X Chalkboard

The Calkboard Centre, is now closed, but the group are still involved with projects in the area.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Create a Workshop at the Chalkboard or elsewhere

The Chalkboard, and Glasgow User Manual, will be hosting a variety of events leading up to summer, Computer for beginners, musical things, art things and such like. If you would like to do, or take, a workshop, read the following and make a suggestion

"Workshops for Common Goals"

The user Manual needs to cover a lot of territory in order to produce content:

The main purpose being to expose the general public to what is happening out there. And as to how we can attract folk to our and your events and encourage people to create there own:

I am in the process of designing some fliers and posters for 2006, workshops, for about the middle of February . Which you will find below.

If you would like to participate in the Workshops for Common Goals, idea. Hers the rub:

The Manual, is hosted on City Strolls web site which stimulates 50,000 hits a month and climbing each month. There are a few articles to be published at the beginning of the year in community papers and lots of people know about the project. The web site takes up a helluva lot of my time, and doesn't leave me as much time as I would want, to run workshops for the User Manual.

I don't have time to run after people, even the ones who say they will help with workshops. People are kind of busy with their own things. It can be a major task, just contacting one person to do a film, or a two hour workshop.

So what I am proposing is. The User Manual, will produce a Program and poster each month, where people can advertise their workshops, events and so on. The User manual processes the information and produces it in some organised form on-line. That way even if someone wants to do a one off volunteer couple of hours on an event, workshop, or show a film, or help with some time, teach some history, go for a stroll, or offer some service - they can do so without to much fuss, of printing posters and advertising the event. etc. All the have to do is the thing its self

Then we start cross referencing all this stuff, history, art, politics, community and citizenship, and how it is all related, phew

Of course we need to keep in mind, this is not a social club, for them in the know. The whole GUM idea is to encourage folk who don't normally do this kind of thing, I.E. send stuff to web sites, and perhaps don't have, (yet) the confidence to push their ideas and to point out to others, what is important to them. Or indeed even to use the internet. But we will change that. Wont we.

We need information folks, thoughts on how this thing should all work and come together. So stop thinking about it and do this:

We need to teach the weans the history of their city, from every conceivable angle.

Sample Poster
Sample Flier
Sample Cookbook-send idea leaflet
Sample A workshop idea Cardboard kids
View these here

Time - The greatest gift
Bob, 3:52 PM


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